It's All About Love | Profil Klett

It's All About Love

Prosjek: 5 (1 vote)
Autor: Sana Perić
8. razred osnovne škole
Engleski jezik
Građanski odgoj i obrazovanje
Ključni pojmovi: 
Citizenship Education, love, Valentine's day

Activity 1 Students play the association game.

Activity 2 LOVE PROVERBS Students work in pairs. Prepare a worksheet with gapped love proverbs: one for each pair of students.

Activity 3 DEBATE Form four teams of 3-4 students (affirmation and negation teams). Write the chosen proverbs on the blackboard and assign one to each team. Explain the rules of the debate (preparation time: 5 minutes; introduction word: 1 minute each team; 2 replicas for each team: 4 minutes; conclusion: 1 minute each team). While the teams are preparing, the rest of the class writes their own opinions about the topic (proverbs). When the teams are ready, they listen to arguments and decide on the winner. Help students if necessary. Here are the proverbs we suggest for the debate: